Who We Are

Connecting Those Who Give With Those Who Go
BIBM functions as the crucial LINK that connects the sending church, the missionary family, and their supporting churches, particularly offering invaluable assistance during times of turbulence.
BIBM operates under the authority of Eastside Baptist Church, located in Greeneville, Tennessee. The Crabtree family belongs to this flourishing, growing church. Pastor David Fox has served as senior pastor of this wonderful congregation since June 2001. For more information about Eastside Baptist Church, please visit: www.EastSideBaptist.info.
- Financial: The location of BIBM’s office is in Johnson City, Tennessee. The Mullendore Missions Headquarters offers substantial advantages to the sending church, supporting church, and missionary family. BIBM maintains a comprehensive system for monitoring monthly financial contributions, furnishing monthly financial statements of giving, reimbursing missionary expenses during fieldwork or deputation, and transferring funds to missionaries for living and project-related purposes. This is accomplished while maintaining accurate financial records in order to report all missionary earnings to the IRS and pay taxes for the missionary family. BIBM maximizes the potential for the missionary and the church to exercise judicious stewardship over the provision of the Lord.
- Ministry: Missionary Adam Crabtree, who serves as the Executive Director of BIBM, ensures uninterrupted communication with the missionary families. His vision is for each pastor to participate in his missionary’s church planting efforts and for the missionary’s fruit to be shared with the sending church. BIBM does not substitute for the authority of the sending church or the responsibility of the sending pastor. The authority to decide on all aspects of ministry, such as discipline and direction, is vested in the local church. The director has the capacity to provide assistance to both the pastor and the missionary. His years of domestic and international experience make him a valuable asset. BIBM retains the prerogative to sever fellowship with a missionary who violates ministry policies and procedures or doctrinally diverges from the organization.
- Government: BIBM alleviates the local church of its financial burden. The office staff ensures that the allocated funds are held accountable. BIBM remains updated on local news from around the world in order to serve the missionary family more effectively. Amidst periods of instability, the director and his family served in Greece; therefore, he is cognizant of the critical nature of maintaining communication in such circumstances. Ensuring safety is the foremost consideration in BIBM. Wire transfers, exchange rates, residency/missionary visas, missions trips, furloughs, and the shipment of ministry supplies are all potential sources of complications. With its vast expertise and experience, the BIBM office is able to provide assistance to every missionary family, irrespective of their specific area of service.
Brief History (1995-Present)
As more missionaries partnered with EEE and the mission expanded, the church office could no longer accommodate everything required for the daily operations of the organization. Spring 2002 marked the ministry’s authorization to acquire a building situated in Johnson City, Tennessee, through the grace of the Lord. After the purchase was finalized, renovations commenced without delay. Converting an abandoned gas station and convenience store into a functional mission office required considerable effort. The official dedication of the structure occurred in July 2003. The new office building featured three offices, a large conference room, an abundance of storage space, and a two-bedroom apartment. This is an extraordinary gift from God.
The Advisory Council voted unanimously in 2006, under the direction of Dr. Mullendore, to expand the ministry of EEE to include missionaries called to serve beyond Eastern Europe. This growth necessitated a name change. At that time, the organization known as Evangelization in Eastern Europe was renamed Beacon International Baptist Mission. BIBM continues to be showered with God’s grace. BIBM has witnessed significant international expansion beyond Eastern Europe.
In November 2016, the Lord called Dr. Mullendore home. As of January 2017, missionary Adam Crabtree assumed the role of Executive Director, succeeding the late Dr. Mullendore. The BIBM missionary family continues to expand globally under his direction.
In commemoration of the endeavors and selflessness of Dr. Jerry and Christine Mullendore, the mission office was formally named the “Mullendore Missions Headquarters” in July 2018, marking the 15th anniversary of the initial building dedication.
Meet The Crabtree Family

At the age of 14, Adam accepted Christ as his Savior while attending church camp in Miamisburg, Ohio. Two years later, he answered the call to preach and became highly engaged in his local congregation, Grace Baptist Church in New Castle, Indiana. Two weeks before the start of his senior year of high school, he answered the call to missions. He enjoys playing golf, reading, spending time with his family, playing fantasy football, traveling, indulging in diverse cultural foods, and drinking coffee. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Missions & Bible, a Master of Theology degree, and is currently completing a Doctor of Theology degree. You can email him at AdamNCrabtree@Gmail.com.
Brandie accepted Christ as her Savior as a teenager at Eastside Baptist Church in Greeneville, Tennessee. After a Wednesday night youth service, her dad, Dr. Jerry Mullendore, led her to Jesus. She is a “PK” and has spent most of her life in ministry. In the autumn of 1997, Brandie surrendered her life to full-time missions. She enjoys reading, traveling, teaching, shopping, cooking, and spending time with her family. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. You can email Brandie at BrandieCrabtree@Gmail.com.
The Crabtree family is available to participate in missions conferences, missions emphasis days, mission trips, revivals, local church meetings, small group gatherings, school projects, chapel services, and any other missions related events.